Subsea Technology Applications Corporation Limited

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Subsea engineering

  • Offshore Oil & Gas - No doubt the offshore oil & gas business is blooming along the China coast. Since 2002, we have steady involving supply of services to the offshore operators in China.

    Services that can be provided by us include:

    • Exploration, Pre-installation survey; rig position and installation assistance; drilling inspection; subsea equipment maintenance; well completion; search and recovery operation.

    • Development, Installation of production platforms; installation of subsea production systems; pipelay support including connecting pipelines to risers and subsea assemblies; pipeline stabilization, testing and inspection; cable and umbilical lay and connection.

    • Production, Inspection, maintenance and repair of production structure, risers and pipelines and subsea equipment; well intervention; life of field support.

    • Decommissioning and remediation services; plugging and abandonment services; platform salvage and removal; pipeline abandonment; site inspections.

  • Offshore vessels & barge

  • Pipe laying


Submarine cable

  • Communication Cable - In the fiscal year of 2001, we were engaged by a leading submarine services provider for provision of services for two cable systems. Services including logistic supoorts, on-shore routing survey, cable locating, onshore cable installation, post cable laying burial and cable guarding. At the peak of the work, we have deployed 2 multiple-task barges and 10 vessels operated by 67 local and 15 overseas experts.

    Back in 1997 & 1999, we were engaged by a local network company to carry out annual inspection of twelve (12) submarine cables linking to Hong Kong.

  • Power Cable - We has extensive working experience in the installation of power cables for local utilties company and other private enterprises.


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